CFA® Level I preparation strategy - Aspire Now Global
Since the CFA level I passing rate has dropped from 42-44% to 26% in Aug 2021, many candidates are worried about their prospects for clearing the exam. ANG, being one of the premier institutes for CFA prep classes has also seen a drop in the success rate of its candidates from 80% to 50%, so as a team we start deliberating on what strategy should we advise to candidates so that they clear the exam at the first go. Here are a few tips for candidates appearing for CFA Level I exam : # For subjects like FRA, Corporate issuer, Ethics, Economics, Alternative Investments, Portfolio Management, and Equity you can rely on Schweser material. # For Quantitative Methods, Derivatives, and Fixed income we advise candidates to rely on our notes # Once a particular reading is over candidates are advised to solve chapter end questions from Schweser, CFA curriculum notes, and Schweser Q bank # Once the candidate is done with a particular subject then they should appear for a subject-wise assessme...